Grade Designation

Grade requirements

Grade tolerances




Extra Class

Beans    must be of superior quality. In shape, development    and colouring they must be characteristic of the variety /or commercial type.


–  turgid, easily snapped;

–  very tender;

–  straight;

–  stringless.

Seeds, if present must be small and soft. However, needle beans must be seedless.


They must be free from defects.

5 % by number or weight of beans not satisfying the requirements of the grade, but meeting those of Class I or, exceptionally, coming within the tolerances of that grade.

Class I

Beans must be of good quality. In shape, development and colouring, they must be characteristic of the variety /or commercial type.

They must be:

10 % by number or weight of beans not satisfying the requirements of the grade, but meeting those of Class II

or,    exceptionally,    coming


–  turgid;

–  young and tender;

–  practically stringless except in the case of beans for slicing.

within the tolerances of that grade.

Seeds, if present, must be small and soft.


The following slight defects, however, may be allowed provided they do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package:

–  slight defect in shape;

–  slight defect in colouring;

–  slight skin defect.


Class II

This class includes beans which do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements.


They must be.-

10 % by number or weight of beans not satisfying the requirements of the grade but meeting with the minimum requirements.


–  reasonably tender;

–   free from rust spots in the case of needle beans.


Seeds, if present, should not be too large and must  be reasonably soft.


The following defects may be allowed provided the beans retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package.

In addition, not more than a maximum of 30% by number or weight of beans; (excluding needle beans) may have the stalk and a small section of the narrow part of the neck missing provided these pods remain closed.


–  defects in shape;

–  defects in colouring;

–  skin defects,

–  strings;

–   slight rust spots except in the case of needle beans.


  • intact;
  • sound, excluding produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for human consumption.
  • clean, free of any visible foreign matter;
  • free from pests;
  • free from damage caused by the pests;
  • free of abnormal external moisture;
  • free of any foreign smell and/ or taste.


  • Size is determined by the maximum width of the pod measured at the right angles to the
  • Sizing is compulsory for needle beans only, in accordance with the following classification:
  • very fine –   width of the pod not exceeding 6 mm. fine    – width of the pod not exceeding 9 mm. medium – width of the pod not exceeding 12 mm.
  • Medium needle beans may not be placed in the `Extra’ class.
  • Size tolerances:
  • For all classes (if sized): 10% by number or weight of beans not satisfying the requirements as regards sizing.