Hybrid Brinjal PREETI

Plant Habit 


Fruit Shape 


Fruit Colour 

Dark Violet

Fruit Size

60-80 g

Calyx Colour 



50-55 DAT

Fruit Bearing 


Special Features

High yielding hybrid with attractive fruits & suitable for stuffing

Cultural Brinjal


Wet Season : May-June Spring : Aug-Sept Winter : Dec-Jan


Low temperature detrimental & leads to abnormal dev. of ovary (splitting) in flower 0 bud which differentiate into deformed fruits. Severely affected below 17 C, Long fruited varieties set fruit at higher temperature and show tolerance to frost.


i) Average temperature 30 C high night and day temperature 22-24 & 33-35 markedly reduce fruit set and yield

ii) Summer-high temperature leads to discolouration

iii) Cloudy weather with continuous rains-harmful


: Nursery Management - Tips to be followed & monitored :

i) Sow the seeds in Pro trays of 98 cavities by using the sterilised cocopeat as a media, th

ii) At 7 day after sowing mild spray with Uthane M-45 @ 1g/litre of H O + Ulala 2 0.3 g/litre of H O or Saaf @ 1g/litre of H O + Ulala 0.2 g/litre of H O 2 2 2 th

iii) At 12 day after sowing spray with Saaf @ 1g/litre of H O + Ulala 0.2 g/litre 2 of H O 2 th iv) At 19 day after sowing spray with Uthane M-45 @ 1g/litre of H O + Ulala 2 0.3 g/litre of H O or Saaf @ 1g/litre of H O + Ulala 0.2 g/litre of H O 2 2 2

v) At 24 days after sowing spray with Saaf @ 1g/litre of H O + Ulala 0.2 g/litre 2 of H O + 19:19:19 (Soluble) @ 1g/litre H O 2 2

vi) Hardening of seedlings is must before transplanting, Seedling will be ready for transplanting 24-26 days after sowing. Transplanting has to be done preferable in evening hours to avoid sun shock & mortality.

Soil & Land Preparation

Deep, fertile & well drained-good generally, silt-loam and clay loam soils are preferred pH not more than : 5.5-6, for better growth & development & Transplanting should be done during late afternoon or evening, after transplanting light irrigation should be given for quick and better establishment.

Seed Rate

25-30 g/acre


Irrigate as & when required based on the soil type & the local practices


Row to Row : 90 Cm & Plant to Plant : 60 cm

Fertilizer Kg/Acre

i) NPK - 100 :75:50 kg/Acre

ii) Basal dose - FYM 25 t/ha, NPK 50:75:50 kg/ha. th

iii) Top dressing - 50 kg N/acre on 30 day after planting or during earthing up.

Flower Initiation

40 DAT

1st Picking

70-75 DAT

Growth Regulator

i) 2,4-D @2 ppm - enhances fruit setting - earliness - Parthenocarpy - advanced fruit formation

ii) Tetracycline @ 1000 ppm to check mycoplasma

Yield T/ha

30-40 T

Avg. per Fruit Weight (g)

Of varying size

No. of Fruits Per Plant

30 +

Major Impediment

Little leaf (mycoplasma) - vector leaf hopper, CM : Tetra cycline

Remedies / Control Measures

i) Cyrux @ 0.3 ml/l for Brinjal fruit & shoot borer control, Lancergold 2.5 g/l for thrips control, Ulala 0.5 g/l for Aphids, Leaf Miner & White flies control

ii) Shoot & fruit borer


Berries should be harvested before it ripens & when attain good size and color (quarter grown to near ripe)

No. of Pickings

8-10 (10-12 days interval)

Key Points

i) N - improves % of flowers with medium & long style which only sets fruits (4 types of flowers)

ii) 80 % flower drops in cluster fruiting, while 1 % in solitary

iii) If glycoalkaloid solasodine - above 20 mg - 1 100g fresh weight - tastes bitter


Fulfill the Nitrogen requirement as its deficiency leads to the kind of flowers (with short & pseudo short style) which does not bear fruits

# of Seeds /g

300 +/-