Grade designation

Grade Requirements

Provision concerning sizing

Grade tolerances





Extra class

Brussels sprouts    shall    be of superior quality.


5% by weight of brussels sprouts not satisfying                                     the requirements of the grade, but meeting the requirements for Class I or               exceptionally, coming within the tolerances for that grade.


They must be :


–     firm


–     closed


– free of damage by frost.



Trimmed Brussels sprouts must be well coloured. For untrimmed brussels sprouts, slightly discoloured basal leaves are allowed. Slight damage to the outer leaves, caused by picking, grading or packing is also allowed, provided that it does not affect the good condition of

the produce.

Class I

Brussels sprouts shall be of superior quality. They must be :


–          firm


–          closed


– free of damage by frost.


10% by weight of brussels sprouts not satisfying                    the requirements of the grade, but meeting the requirements for Class II or exceptionally, coming within the tolerances for that grade.



Trimmed Brussels sprouts must be well coloured. For untrimmed brussels sprouts, slightly   discoloured   basal

leaves are allowed. Slight damage to the outer leaves,



caused by picking, grading or packing is also allowed, provided that it does not affect the good condition of the produce.



Class II

This grade includes Brussels sprouts which does not qualify for inclusion in class I. Brussel sprouts shall be of good quality. Brussel sprouts in this class may be:


–          less firm


–          less closed but not open


–          may show slight damage due to frost.


10% by weight of brussels sprouts not satisfying the requirements of the grade but meeting the minimum requirements.

  • intact;
  • sound, fresh in appearance;
  • clean, free of any visible foreign matter;
  • not frozen;
  • free from damage caused by pests;
  • free of insects and/or other parasites;
  • free of abnormal external moisture;
  • free of any foreign smell and/or taste;