Apricots are classified in three classes, as defined below:

“Extra” Class

  • Apricots in this class must be of superior quality. They must be characteristic of the variety, allowing for the district in which the fruit is grown.
  • The flesh must be perfectly sound.
  • They must be free from defects, with the exception of very slight superficial defects, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package.

Class I

  • Apricots in this class must be of good quality. They must be characteristic of the variety, allowing for the district in which the fruit is grown.
  • The flesh must be perfectly sound.
  • The following slight defects, however, may be allowed, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package:
    • slight defect in shape;
    • a slight defect in development;
    • slight pressure marks not more than 1cm2 of the total surface area;
    • slight skin defects, including slight healed cracks, which must not extend over more than
      • 1 cm in length for defects of elongated shape;
      • 0.5 cm² of the total surface area for other defects
      • 10 per cent of the total surface area for russeting.

Class II

  • This class includes apricots that do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above.
  • Apricots in this class must be of reasonable quality, and are suitable for human consumption.
  • The flesh must be free from major defects.
  • The following defects may be allowed, provided the apricots retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:
    • defects in shape;
    • defects in development, including split stones, provided the fruit is closed and the flesh is sound and not discoloured;
    • In split stones, traces of mould are not allowed
    • bruising not more than 1cm2 of the total surface area;.
    • skin defects, including slight healed cracks, which must not extend over more than
      • 2cm in length for defects of elongated shape;
      • 1cm² in total surface area for other defects
      • 15 per cent of the total surface area for russeting.