• Cowpea-74: The variety was developed by PAU, Ludhiana by hybridization (FS 68 × strain No. 102) followed by selection. It has been released for cultivation in Punjab in 1975. (CVRC- Notification no. 13 dated 19th December 1978).

  • Kohinoor: This variety was developed by IGFRI, Jhansi through single plant selection from material from Itan (IL-68-786) and released for parts of Haryana, Punjab, Gujarat andm UP. The plant height is 55-70 cm, stem green in colour, pods are green with a smooth surface and horizontally dispositioned with tendency to droop. The seeds are bold and red. Average green fodder yield is 40-45 t /ha and average dry fodder yield 50-60 t/ha. The mvariety has excellent growth in summer. (CVRC- Notification no. 441(E) dated 21st August 1975).

  • HFC-42-1 (Hara Lobia): This is an erect variety with dark green foliage and is suitable for mixed cropping. The variety has been developed by CCS HAU, Hisar and is suitable for cultivation in Haryana and Punjab. It gives green fodder yield of 26.2 t/ha. (CVRCNotification no. 786 dated 2nd February 1976).

  • Cowpea-74: This is a variety from PAU, Ludhiana developed from irradiation of F1 of cowpea-74 × H2 for Punjab State. (CVRC- Notification no. 13 dated 19th December 1978). EC 4216: The variety was developed by IARI, New Delhi through selection from exotic material. The plants are erect to semi-erect, 140-150 cm long and climbing type. The, green fodder yield is 30 t/ha and dry matter yield is 5.5 t/ha. (CVRC- Notification no. 13 (E) 19th December 1978).

  • Type-21: The variety was developed by IGFRI, Jhansi through single plant selection from the local material and is recommended for cultivation all over the country. The plants have dark green leaves and provides 33 t/ha green fodder and 5 t/ha dry fodder. (CVRCNotification no. 13 (E) 19th December 1978).

  • GFC-1 (Gujarat Forage Cowpea-1): The variety was developed by selection from local collection from Chharodi area of Gujrat by GAU Banaskantha. The plant has a trailing habit with a height of 125 cm. It takes 65–70 days for 50% flowering and has dark green pods. It is recommended for kharif sowing in Gujrat and provides 25–30 t/ha green fodder. (CVRC- Notification no. 2103 dated 21st August 1980).

  • GFC-2 (Gujarat Forage Cowpea-2): This is a variety developed by GAU, Banaskantha through selection of local material collected from Chharodi area of Gujrat. It performs well during summer season with trailing type plants with dark green pods. The variety gives 20 t/ha green fodder and 3–4 t/ha dry fodder. The protein content is 14–19%. (CVRCNotification no. 2103 dated 21st August 1980).

  • GFC-3 (Gujarat Forage Cowpea-3): The variety is developed by GAU, Banaskantha, Gujrat through selection of local material collected from Chharodi area of Gujrat followed by pure line selection. The variety has been recommended for cultivation in Gujrat state. The plants are trailing type and are 196 cm long. It provides 20 t/ha green fodder and 3–4 t/ ha dry fodder. The protein content is 17.5–19.5%. (CVRC- Notification no. 2103 dated 21st August 1980).

  • GFC-4 (Gujarat Forage Cowpea-4): This is a variety developed by GAU, Banaskantha through selection from Chharodi area of Gujrat and it performs well during summer season. The variety gives 20 t/ha green fodder and 3.0–3.5 t/ha dry fodder. (CVRC- Notification no. 2103 dated 21st August 1980). UPC-5286: The variety was developed by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar through single plant selection. The variety matures in 140–150 days with green fodder yield of 35 t/ha. (CVRCNotification no. 19(E) dated 14th April 1982).

  • CO-5: This variety was developed by TNAU, Coimbatore and is a gamma irradiated mutant of CO- 1. It has been recommended for cultivation in south zone of the country. It produces 30 t/ha of green fodder. (CVRC- Notification no. 867 dated 26th November 1986).

  • UPC-5287: The variety has been developed by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar from single plant selection from CK-74-5287 followed by selection on single pod basis and bulking on plant basis. The variety matures in 155–170 days with green fodder yield of 26 t/ha. (CVRCNotification no. 258(E) dated 14th May 1986).

  • UPC – 287: The variety has been developed by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar using single plant selection from germplasm line CK-72-287. The variety has been notified for cultivation in the entire country. It provides green fodder yield of 17 t/ha. The variety takes 135–140 days for 50% flowering and 135–145 days for maturity. The green fodder yield is 30–35 t/ ha. (CVRC- Notification no. 471(E) dated 5th May 1988).

  • Sweta (No. 998): This is a variety developed by MPKV, Rahuri. (CVRC- Notification no. 915(E) dated 5th May 1988).

  • Charodi: This variety has been developed at GAU, Anand and has been notified for cultivation in Gujrat state. (CVRC- Notification no. 471(E) dated 5th May 1988).

  • Cowpea-88: This variety was developed by PAU, Ludhiana from irradiation of F1 of intervarietal cross (cowpea-74 × H2) and has been notified for cultivation in Punjab state. (CVRC- Notification no. 860(E) dated 25th November 1992).

  • UPC-4200: This variety was developed by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar by pure line selection from CK-76-4200. The variety has been recommended for cultivation in north east zone of the country. The plant is erect during early stages of growth and later on becomes trailing/ climbing with profuse branching; foliage is dark green with broad globose leaflets. The flower colour is light violet. The pod colour is straw brown. The seeds are kidney shaped, medium sized and testa colour is black mottled. It is suitable for humid/wet regions. The variety yields 30.0–32.5 t/ha green forage and is resistant to collar rot, wilt and pod borer. (CVRC- Notification no. 793(E) dated 22nd November 1991).

  • Bundel Lobia-1 (IFC – 8401): The variety was developed by IGFRI, Jhansi through single plant selection from IL-515. It is recommended for all India cultivation. It grows up to 120– 130 cm with 5–7 branches, which are basal and sub-basal. The plant growth habit is decumbent, semi-tendrillar at late stage of growth. It possess medium to broad leaves with light green colour, Seed shape is rectangular to round, tapering towards the distal end. Seed colour has yellowish back ground with gray dotting covering the entire seed coat surface. It is suited to drier areas of the country with moderate rainfall. It is ready for green fodder harvest in 60– 65 days. The green fodder yield, dry-matter yield and crude protein are 30–35, 4–5 and 0.60 t/ha respectively. (CVRC- Notification no. 814(E) dated 4th November 1992).

  • Bundel Lobia-2 (IFC – 8503): The variety was developed by IGFRI, Jhansi through single plant selection from IL-978. It is recommended for cultivation in north-west zone mainly Punjab and Rajasthan. The plant height is 140–150 cm with 4–5 branches. The growth habit is erect to semi-erect with tendrils. The leaves are medium to broad and light green in colour, peduncle length is 15–20 cm. The number of pods per peduncle is 2–4, pod disposition drooping with tough and leathery surface at maturity. Seed colour is fawn white

    with variable pinkish shade. The variety is suited to drier areas of the country with moderate rainfall. The fodder yield (t/ha) is 30–35 green and 3.5–4.0 dry with 63.8% IVDMD and

    17% crude protein. (CVRC- Notification no. 636(E) dated 2nd September 1994).

  • UPC- 8705: The variety was developed by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar and is a derivative of the cross (N-425 × H-288). It provides green fodder yield of 35–40 t/ha and dry fodder yield of 5.3 t/ha. The variety takes 80–90 days for 50% flowering and 140–145 days for seed maturity. (CVRC- Notification no. 349(E) dated 20th May 1996).

  • CS – 88 (Haryana Lobia – 88): The variety has been developed by CCSHAU, Hisar by hybridization of C-28 and HFC- 42-1 followed by pedigree selection. This is suited for cultivation in summer and rainy season providing 31 t/ha green fodder with erect growth nature, good early vigour, having long and broad leaves, it is suitable for mixed cropping.

  • Konkan Fodder Cowpea-1: (DFC-1): The variety has been developed by KKV, Dapoli through selection from local germplasm material of Ratnagiri district. It comes to 50% flowering in 60–65 days. It takes 100 days for seed to seed maturity. It provides 23–25 t/ha green fodder during kharif and 20–22 t/ha during rabi. The dry matter yield is 5 t/ha. The seed yield is 7–8 q/ha. (CVRC- Notification no. 360(E) dated 1st May 1997).

  • UPC- 9202: The variety has been developed by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar by pedigree selection from intervarietal cross (V-260 × UPC 9805-7-2-4). The variety has been notified for cultivation in sub-tropical to tropical regions of central zone of the country comprising of MP, Gujrat and Maharashtra. It is a medium late variety which matures in 80–85 days. It provides 35–40 t/ha green fodder. (CVRC- Notification no. 5425(E) dated 9th June 1999).

  • UPC 607: The variety has been developed by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar by selection from intervarietal cross (L-212 × Singapore) – 48-2-9. The variety matures in 140–150 days. The variety has been notified for cultivation in subtropical to tropical plains of north-west zone comprising Uttaranchal, northern Uttar Pradesh, tarai belt, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. It provides 35–40 t/ha green fodder and 4.5–5.0 t/ha dry matter.

  • Fodder Cowpea-CO (FC)-8: This variety is developed by TNAU, Coimbatore. It is resistant to yellow mosaic virus, root rot and moderately resistant to leaf hoppers, beetles and bacterial leaf blight. It is suitable for intercropping with sorghum and maize. Green fodder has high protein (20.67 per cent), fat (2.72 per cent), calcium (1.49 per cent) and phosphorus (1.37 per cent), and high palatability. It is a hybrid derivative of the cross (CO- 5 × N- 331). It is semi-spreading, erect in early stages of growth and later on becomes creeping. It can be grown all over Tamil Nadu except Villupuram, Cuddalore, Tiruvarur and Kancheepuram districts as irrigated crop, it can be raised throughout the year, and the

    rainfed crop is cultivated in kharif and rabi seasons. The plant grows to a height of 100 to 120 cm, and green fodder can be harvested in 60 to 70 days when fifty per cent flowering is recorded. When allowed to set seeds, the crop matures in 100 to 105 days.

  • CL-367: The variety has been developed by PAU, Ludhiana (Cowpea 74 × Strain No. 90) and bulked in F6 generation. It has been recommended for irrigated areas of Punjab. This is an early short duration variety which provides 27 t/ha green fodder and 12.3 q/ha seed yield. (CVRC- Notification no. 599(E) dated 25th April 2006).

  • UPC – 618: The variety has been developed by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar from cross (UPC-8703 × IT-84 E-124 -2-5-1). The variety has been notified for cultivation in Uttranchal, UP, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa, Assam, MP, Gujrat and Maharashtra. It is medium late variety which matures in 140–150 days. It provides 30 t/ha green fodder and 4.5–5.0 t/ha dry matter. (CVRC- Notification no. 599(E) dated 25th April 2006).

  • UPC-622: The variety has been developed by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar through single plant selection. The variety is recommended for cultivation in north-west, north–east and hill zone of the country. (CVRC- Notification no. 1178(E) dated 20th July 2007).

  • UPC- 621: The variety is developed by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar. This variety is released for cultivation in the lower hills and plains of Uttrakhand. The green fodder yield is 32.5– 35.0 t/ha and dry fodder yield is 50–55 q/ha at 50% flowering stage in 85–90 days. The seed yield is 6-8 q/ha in uncut crop. DM digestibility is 60–65% with 16-17% CP besides lower ADF and NDF. Slight twining tendency character is suitable for mixed/intercropping with sorghum, maize, bajra and other cereal forages during summer and kharif season.

  • UPC- 625: The variety was developed by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar. It is a white seeded variety released for all India cultivation and can be used as dual purpose crop due to its stay green biomass at pod maturity and creamy white seeds with rough wrinkled testa which is most preferred for human consumption. It provides 35–40 t green and 4.5–5.0 t dry fodder per hectare at 50% flowering stage in 80–85 days. Seed yield is 6-8 q/ha in uncut crop. Dry matter digestibility is 65–70% with 15–17% crude protein and has higher leaf stem ratio besides lower ADF and NDF. Slight twining tendency character is suitable for mixed intercropping with sorghum, maize, bajra. (CVRC- Notification no. 449(E) dated 11th February 2009).