Grade designation | Specific gravity at 270/270C | Optical rotation | Refractive index at 270C** | ACID VALUE MAXIMUM | Ester value | Ester (Saponification) Value after acetylation | Total Alcohol percentage (Geraniol) content by mass | Solubility in 70% (by volume) Ethyl alcohol |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Grade-I 0.898 to 0.927 | (-) 140 to (+)540 | 1.4752 to 1.4902 | 1.4752 to 1.4902 | 6 | 13.5 to 34 (5 to12 percent of esters as geranyl acetate) | 140 to 180 | 36 to 60 | Soluble in 2 to 3 volumes |
Description and appearance
Indian ginger grass oil is the brownish yellow to brownish red essential oil obtained by steam or water distillation of partially dried leaves, flowers and upper third of stems, after flowering of Cymbopogan martini stapf. Var Sofia. The oil shall be clear and free from separated water. It shall also be free from sediments, suspended matter and shall posses the characteristic sharp but pleasant odour