- Integrated Scheme for Agricultural Marketing (ISAM) is meant for holistic development of agricultural value chain critically focusing each linkage of post-harvest value chain including promદtion of value addition and processing at farmers level so as to enhance their Income by selling more marketable and processed produce in the market.
- The scheme on AMI will be implemented by the Directorate of Marketing & Inspection (DMI).
- Individuals, Group of farmers I growers, FPOs/FPCs registered under respective companies Act/cooperatives societies Act/ societies registration Act (with minimum 50 number of farmer members); Partnership/ Proprietary firms, Companies, Corporations; Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), Self Help Groups (SHGs); Cooperatives, Cooperative Marketing Federations; Autonomous Bodies of the Government, Local Bodies, Panchayats; State agencies including State Government Departments and autonomous organization I State owned corporations such as Agricultural Produce Market Committees & Marketing Boards, State Warehousing Corporations, State Civil Supplies Corporations etc. are eligible under this scheme.
- Under the scheme, activities which are in the nature of either storage or other marketing infrastructure up to primary processing will be covered. Primary processing for the purpose of this sub scheme relates to value addition to a raw agricultural produce which, after processing, does not result in change of product form. Primary processing for which subsidy under AMI is available are those such as cleaning, cutting, de-podding, de cortication, dehusking, de-sheller, Grain cleaner, specific gravity separator, mini rice huller, drying equipment’s (solar/normal), bleaching, grading, sorting, packing/bag stitching, labelling, waxing, ripening, chilling, pasteurization, homogenization, freezing, refrigeration and other value addition activities etc.
- Storage structure with Capacity of 50-5000 MT for all categories of promoters across the country and Capacity of 50-10000 MT for State agencies, in all the States/UTs are eligible for claiming subsidy under the sub-scheme. In case of State Agency storage projects, silos up to 15000 MT can be constructed. However the cost norms, rate of subsidy percentage and subsidy ceiling amount will remain the same for state agencies for storage projects and the other conditions will remain the same.
Promoter’s contribution & term loan:
- Minimum promoter’s contribution should be 20% of the project cost. This should also be ensured at the time of actual expenditure on completion of the project. If it is less than 20%,the actual TFO of the project shall be restricted to 5 times of the promoter’s contribution on completion of the project for the calculation of subsidy. Minimum Term loan (including subsidy) to be sanctioned by the Financial Institution (Fl) should be 50% of the project cost. The promoter’s contribution may vary from 20-50% of TFO and the term loan may vary from 50-80% of the TFO. Promoter’s Contribution in case of own funded State agency projects should be 75% /66.67% of the project cost as the case may be.
- The eligible subsidy is 25% or 33% of the capital cost depending upon the area and category of beneficiary.