• African Tall Composite: The variety was bred at MPKV, Kolhapur and is a composite of seven genotypes (H-611 C, H-611, H-611 (R)C3, K-III × EC-573 (R12) C3, Ukiri Comp A (F) C5 × Ukiri Comp A, (F) C3, Chitedge Comp A and Ilonga Comp) developed through modified mass selection technique. It has more dry matter and crude protein content, more number of leaves/plant, more leaf area, good grain and seed yield potential than other grain varieties. The variety is resistant to foliar diseases and stem borer. The average plant height is 260 cm and provide 60–70 t/ha green fodder and 30 q/ha grain. It is released for cultivation throughout the country. (CVRC Notification no. 499(E) dated 8th July 1983).

  • APFM-8: This variety was developed at ANGRAU, Hyderabad in 1997 and is suitable for cultivation in south zone of the country. This is a synthetic variety derived from Varun (V- 41) and Palampur local varietal cross advanced by mass selection. It is leafy, non lodging, orange grain variety, plant height 180– 200 cm, sturdy plants type with dark green leaves. The seed to seed maturity is 90–95 days during kharif and 105–110 days in winter. It provides 35 t/ha green and 7.5 t/ha dry fodder.

  • J-1006: The variety was developed at PAU, Ludhiana by crossing ‘Makki safed 1-DR’ × ‘Turpeno PB’ and released in 1992 for cultivation in Punjab. It is resistant to Maydis blight, brown striped downy mildew and stem borer. (CVRC- Notification no. 4045 dated 25th November 1992).

  • Pratap Makka Chari 6: The variety was developed by MPUA&T, Udaipur by compositing 11 early to medium white seeded entries. The variety was released in 2008 for north-west zone of the country covering Punjab, Haryana, western UP, Rajasthan and Uttarakhand. Average green forage yield is 35 t/ha. It is a medium tall variety with relatively low ear placement. Its stem is strong, medium thick and resists lodging. The ears are long, thick with a tight husk cover. The grains are medium, flint to semi dent and orange-yellow. It matures in 90–95 days. Its green fodder yield potential is 45–50 t/ha. It is released for cultivation in Punjab.