• Each package 1 must bear the following particulars in letters grouped on the same side, legibly and indelibly marked, and visible from the outside:
  • In the case of packed produce, all particulars must be grouped on the same side of the package, either on a label attached to or printed on the package with water-insoluble ink.
  • In the case of re-used packages, all previous labels must be carefully removed and previous indications deleted.


  • Packer and/or Dispatcher – Name and physical address (e.g. street/city/region/postal code and, if different from the country of origin, the country) or a code mark officially recognized by the national authority.
  • For inspection purposes, the “packer” is the person or firm responsible for the packaging of the produce (this does not mean the staff who actually carry out the work, who are responsible only to their employer). The code mark is not a trademark, but an official control system enabling the person or firm responsible for packaging to be readily identified. The dispatcher (shipper or exporter) may, however, voluntarily or compulsorily, assume sole responsibility for inspection purposes, in which case identification of the “packer” as defined above is no longer necessary.
  • To prevent indistinctness in the case where a code mark is used, the reference “packer”, “dispatcher” and/or “exporter” (or equivalent abbreviations, i.e. “pack.”, “exp.”) has to be indicated in close connection with the code mark .

Nature of produce

  • “Cucumbers” if the contents are not visible from the outside.
  • The name of the produce need only be stated on closed packages, whose contents are not visible from the outside.
  • “Crooked cucumbers”, where appropriate.

Origin of produce

  • Country of origin and, optionally, district where grown, or national, regional or local place name.
  • Marking must include the country of origin, i. e. the country in which the cucumbers were grown (e.g. “Netherlands”, “Spain”). Optionally, district of origin in national, regional or local terms may also be shown.

Commercial specifications

  • Class.
    • Stating the class is compulsory.
  • Size (if sized), expressed in minimum and maximum weight.
    • The size range must be stated for Classes “Extra” and I and may be stated for Class II, provided the cucumbers in Class II are sized.
  • Number of fruits (optional).

Official control mark (optional)