S. No. | Item | Details |
1 | Parentage | Derivative of the cross JHO 851 (A. sativa) x A. maroccana-16/ 30B |
2 | Method of Breeding/ Selection | Interspecific hybridization followed by induced polyploidy and Pedigree method |
3 | Method of Propagation | Through seed |
4 | Mode of pollination | Self pollinated |
5 | Nature of cultivar | Single cut variety |
6 | Year of release | 2002 |
7 | Recommended Regions/ Areas | North -east and north-west zone |
8 | Areas of Adoption | Pu njab, Rajasthan, H aryana, Uttarakhand , Jammu & Kashmir, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, hilly tracts of Tamilnadu, Assom, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa and Bihar |
9 | Characteristics | Plant erect with profuse tillerng. |
| | Foliage dark green, spikelets disarticulation by fracture. |
| | Flower basi-fracture. Lemma green coloured, non-hairy with single week awned. |
| | Flowering (50%) in 115- 120 days and maturity in 145-150 days. Panicle equilateral |
| | Seed long narrow, creamish yellow and test weight 45-48g/ 1000 seed |
10 | Yield performance | Potential Green Fodder Yield : 50.0 t/ ha |
| | Dry Matter Yield : 9.3 t/ ha |
11 | Quality attributes | Crude protein = 10-12% |
| | IVDMD= 57.0%. |
| | ADF=47.9% |
| | NDF=62.45% |
| | CPY=8.5-12.4 q/ ha |
| | Leaf/ stem ratio=0.44-0.50 |
12 | Resistance to diseases and pests | Tolerant to root rot, crown rust, leaf blight and powdery mildew. |
13 | Seed yield | 1.5 t/ ha |
14 | Notification number and date | CVRC No. 1572 (E) dated 20.09.2006 |