
PATCHOULI (Pogostemon patchouli) is a highly aromatic bushy is cultivated forits highly fragrant leaves which contains a very sweet smelling and oil of lasting stickly odour.The crop is grown in small pockets in Karnataka,kerala,and Tamilnadu .it has a very characteristics aroma and blends well with other detergents and many fancy products.In very low concentration(2ppm),the oil is used to flavour food, beverages,candy and baked products.In combination with sandal wood oil,it is used in blending of tobacco and making of incense sticks. Indonesia is major producer and exporter of its oil,whereas Malaysia, China and Brazil are also large producers.

Patchouli is an erect branched herb to under-shrub with pubescent quadrangular stem,growing 1-1.2m tall. It bears simple,opposite,decussate pale-green leaves and prefers shady conditions.The leaves 5-10 cm X 1.25cm in size,have lobed crenate-serrate margins. Since it is a short-day plant,it flowers occasionally in south india. The flowers are small, born in auxiliary spikes at the end of branches. It has bi-lipped corolla tube with white purplish streaks. There are several cultures introduced into cultivation but Johore and Malaysian cultures produces superior oil. It is good catch crop. It grows equally luxuriantly in irrigated arecanut and coconut orchards where light intensity is 25-50% lower.

Patchouli requires deep,well-drained highly fertile soils,rich in organic matter and slightly acidic (5.5-6.2pH).The growth of plants is luxuriant in regions experiencing mild summer(240 -280 C) and high rainfall(150cm-300cm)under tropical and subtropical climate infoothills(1,000m elevation).The crop is successfully grown at Itanagar(Arunachal Pradesh),part of West Benagl,Orissa and coastal Andhra Pradesh.It has a good possibility of expansion in humid orchards .Its nurseryis arised in shade by planting 10-20cm long terminal shoot-cuttings at 10cm X 10cm spacing during rainy season.The nursery beds are kept continuously moist.It gives 85-90% sprouting in a fornight.These are ready for planting in next- 6-8 weeks.

The application of IBA and NAA(1,500-2000ppm) improves percentage of sprouting.The fields are well prepared by mixing 4-5 tonnes of farmyard manures along with 20,50 and 50kg of N,P and K at land preparation.About 20kg/ha of furadon or 150kg/ha of Dasanit is broadcast in the field and mixed well in the soil,a few days before plating to guard against nematode infestation. The rooted cuttings are planted at 60cmX60cm spacing. The crop is heavy feeder of nitrogenous fertilizer. A dose of 25-40 kg of N/ha is given 8 weeks after planting there foliar spraying of urea (0.2%) is good, sometimes Zn and Mn deficiency are noticed in certain soil for which 20 and 10kg each of ZnSO4 and MnSO4 are given.

The first crop is ready 5-6 months after planting, indicated by browning of lower leaves. The herbage tops are cut 10-25cm below the apex in morning.Usually,1 or 2 growing branches are left unplucked to ensure better subsequent growth. Subsequent harvesting is taken after every 3 or 4 months, depending upon local environmental conditions and growth vigour. The crop is maintained for 2-3 years in the field, depending upon its productivity.

The herbage from first 3 harvesting produce better oil quality. The average yield being 8 tonnes/ha which on shade drying gives 1.6 tonnes/ha of dry foliage. The 4-6 months stored dry leaves is carried for 16-24 hr at 1.4-3.5kg/cm2 pressure and periodic alternating high and low pressure gives better oil recovery. The oil yield is 3.5% on dry weight basis. The oil is dark orange to brown coloured viscous liquid, rich in patchouli alcohols and develops its characteristics odour on aging. On average ,60kg of oil/ha is obtained in a year. All traces of moisture need to be removed from the oil by adding anhydrous sodium sulphate @20-30g/litre and keeping a distillate mixture for 4-5 hrs,after which the oil is filtred;sticking moisture can induce polymerization of oil and consequently induces loss in quality.The oil is filled in air-tight aluminium containers up to the brim and stored in cool dry place,away from light.