Meethi Sudan: This variety is a derivative of the cross involving sweet jowar JS 263. It is tall plant, height 250–320 cm, vigorous, thin stemmed, sweet and profuse tillering. It is more leafy with green mid rib and has high leaf stem ratio. 50% flowering is attained in 50– 55 days and maturity in 90–95 days. Panicles are very loose, open glumes awned and straw coloured. The variety is moderately resistant to red leaf spot. The average green fodder yield is 77.7 t/ha (CVRC- Notification no. 786 dated 2nd February 1976).
Sweet Sudan Grass: The variety was released in 1978. (CVRC- Notification no. 1004 dated 23rd March 1978).
- Punjab Sudex Chari-1 (LY-250): This variety is a sorghum sudex hybrid derived from Sorghum (2077 A) × Sudan grass (SGL-87) hybridization followed by selection. It is a multicut variety providing 3-4 cuts. Stem is thin, palatable. The variety is higly resistant to anthracnose. It produceses 95 t/ha green fodder and 25 t/ha dry matter. (CVRC- Notification no. 408(E) dated 4th April 1995).