Brief Introduction of the Scheme:
- Government of Andhra Pradesh decided to launch YSR Bhima Scheme to provide relief to the families of workers in unorganized sectors in case of death or disabilit y. Erstwhile Chandrannabhima Scheme was withdrawn w.e.f 01.04.2020 as per the communication of DFS, Ministry of finance, Govt . of India. DFS, further directed that the Scheme shall be extended in the State only if it is processed through the Banks and individual accounts of the policy holder s. Hence Govt. of AP wishes to introduce YSR Bhima scheme in place of Chandrannabhima Schem e. About 1.30 crore Rice Card holders were identified in the State of A.P, whom the Government desires to cover under PMJJBY (Pradhan Mantri Jeevana Jyothi Bhima Yojana) and PMSBY {Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bhima Yojana) .
- Government of AP shall pay the premium of PMJJBY and PMSBY Schemes for all the proposed 1.30 Cr Rice card holders (primary bread earners) on their enrolments under the schem e. The Role of the Bank is to open the PMJDY accounts to beneficiaries who do not have either SB or PMJDY account s. Banks need to enroll the eligible beneficiaries under PMSBY &PMJJBY schemes as per the existing norms with the support of field level Government machinery.
- Based on deliberations had in SLBC Sub Committee meetings dated 26.08.2020, 27.08.2020, 14.10.2020 and meeting with Principal Secretary to Govt . of AP, {L FB and IMS) on 25.09.2020, 29.09.2020 and with Secretary to Hon ‘ ble Chief Minister on 3.10.2020 the following Standard Operating Procedure is form ulated .
- Govt . of AP had conducted field level survey and identified the beneficiaries to be covered under the scheme. Most of the beneficiaries are having SB/PMJDY accounts, and only 8.5 lakh beneficiaries does not have any type of bank account.
- Govt . of AP had decided and communicated to bankers earlier that the existing SB accounts will be considered for covering the beneficiaries and to open fresh PMJDY accounts for those 8.5 lakh beneficiaries who do not have any account.
- Village Volunteer /Ward volunteer will assist the Bank in opening of these PMJDY accounts for aforesaid people.
- The survey data prepared by government would be shared to SLBC bank wise for onward sharing with the respective Banks.
- Banks in turn have to segregate the received data into eligible and ineligible categories ( with the help of IT team of the Bank)
- Ineligible category of accounts consists closed, inactive, frozen, lien marked, invalid accounts et c. The ineligible data to be shared with SLBC for onward submission to VS/WS department. The department will direct their field staff to contact those account holders and assist them to make those accounts eligible.
- Ineligible category of accounts consists closed, inactive, frozen, lien marked, invalid accounts et c. The ineligible data to be shared with SLBC for onward submission to VS/WS department. The department will direct their field staff to contact those account holders and assist them to make those accounts eligible.
- Govt. of AP would open a pooling Bank account preferably Current Account with each Bank for the purpose of parking premium amount for all eligible beneficiaries of respective Bank.
- VV/WV/VS/WS staff would collect the consent forms of PMSBY & PMJJBY from all eligible identified beneficiaries and submitto the respective Branch along with consolidated statement
- Bank Branch would accept the applications (consent forms) and enroll the all eligible applications under respective schemes within 5 working days from the date of receipt.
- On enrolment of individual beneficiaries under PMSBY& PMJJBY based on the eligibility, the beneficiary accounts are to be funded with premium amount from the Bank’s pooling account and the same is to be remitted from beneficiary account to Insurance Co m pan y. (Each Bank may devise their own convenient mechanism for scheme enrolment in system and funding of premium amount from pooling account on the day of enrollment).
- On enrolment of individual beneficiaries under PMSBY& PMJJBY based on the eligibility, the beneficiary accounts are to be funded with premium amount from the Bank’s pooling account and the same is to be remitted from beneficiary account to Insurance Co m pan y. (Each Bank may devise their own convenient mechanism for scheme enrolment in system and funding of premium amount from pooling account on the day of enrollment).
- Project Director, DRDA would act as nodal officers at District level to coordinate with Banks in resolving issues if any arises.
- Lead District Managers would act as coordinator at District level between Banks and Government Department. LDMs shall collect data on applications submitted and enrolments made from Banks in the district and is to be shared with SLBC during the enrolment period.
- Banks should ensure that all eligible beneficiaries are enrolled under PMJJBY and PMSBY schemes and they should reconcile the pooling account and to submit information to Govt. of AP on utilization of premium along with insured beneficiary details within 15 days from launching the scheme.