
  • Citrus fruit are classified in three classes, as defined below:
  • “Extra” Class

    • Citrus fruit in this class must be of superior quality. In shape, external appearance, development and colouring they must be characteristic of the variety and/or commercial type.
    • They must be free from defects with the exception of very slight superficial defects, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package.
  • Class I

    • Citrus fruit in this class must be of good quality. They must be characteristic of the variety and/or commercial type.
    • Class I quality requirements are less strict than for “Extra” class.
    • The following slight defects, however, may be allowed, provided these do not affect the general appearance of the produce, the quality, the keeping quality and presentation in the package:
      • a slight defect in shape
      •  slight defects in colouring, including slight sunburn
      •  slight progressive skin defects, provided they do not affect the flesh
      •  slight skin defects occurring during the formation of the fruit, such as silver scurfs, russets or pest damage
      •  slight healed defects due to a mechanical cause such as hail damage, rubbing, damage from handling
      • slight and partial detachment of the peel (or rind) for all fruit of the mandarin group.

Class II

  • This class includes citrus fruit which do not qualify for inclusion in the higher classes but satisfy the minimum requirements specified above.
  • Citrus fruit in this class must be of reasonable quality.
  • The following defects may be allowed, provided the citrus fruit retain their essential characteristics as regards the quality, the keeping quality and presentation:
    • defects in shape
    • defects in colouring, including sunburn
    • progressive skin defects, provided they do not affect the flesh
    • skin defects occurring during the formation of the fruit, such as silver scurfs, russets or pest damage
    • healed defects due to a mechanical cause such as hail damage, rubbing or damage from handling
    • superficial healed skin alterations
    • rough skin
    • a slight and partial detachment of the peel (or rind) for oranges and a partial detachment of the peel (or rind) for fruit of the mandarin group.
  • Defects in shape:


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

21 Defects in shape 22 Protruding navels 23 Internal navels

24 Ribbed navels

61 Defects in shape 63 Ribbing

101 Defects in shape

102 Shape of styler end

125 Defects in shape – Star Ruby

126 Defects in shape – Chandler

127 Defects in shape – Goliath

  • Defects in colouring:


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

20 External colour 31 Sunburn

60 External colour 68 Sunburn

100 External colour

120 External colour – Star Ruby 121 External colour – Oroblanco 122 External colour – Chandler 123 External colour – Goliath

 135 Sunburn – Star Ruby

136 Sunburn – Goliath

  • Skin defects occurring during the formation of the fruit:


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

26 Scratching

28 Superficial Light Coloured Silver Scurfs

29 Superficial Dark Coloured Silver Scurfs

37 Pitting (superficial)

42 Rust mite damage

43 Thrips damage

44 Fruit fly damage

26 Scratching

37 Pitting (superficial)

42 Rust mite damage

43 Thrips damage

44 Fruit fly damage (Infertile)

64 Rings

66 Superficial Light Coloured Silver Scurfs

105 Superficial Light Coloured Silver Scurfs

131 Scratching

132 Silver Scurfs – Star Ruby

133 Silver Scurfs – Chandler

134 Silver Scurfs – Goliath

 146 Miner-fly damage

147 Mealy bugs (damage)

 152 Windscar

153 Melanose

154 Greasy Spot

 155 Rust Mite

(Infertile) 82 Scale insects (damage)

83 Cicada damage

84 Alternaria damage

67 Superficial Dark Coloured Silver Scurfs 82 Scale insects (damage)

83 Cicada damage

84 Alternaria damage



  • Healed defects due to mechanical causes:


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

27 Rubbing

32 Hail damage

34 Torn stem-ends

37 Pitting (superficial) 71 Spray damage

32 Hail damage

34 Torn Stem-ends

37 Pitting (superficial) 65 Rubbing

71 Spray damage

72 Drying damage

74 Oleocellosis

109 Oleocellosis (green peel)

 110 Oleocellosis (yellow peel)

138 Torn stem-ends

 142 Oleocellosis – Oroblanco

143 Oleocellosis – Goliath

  • Healed skin alterations:


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

69 Healed injuries

78 Stem-end breakdown

69 Healed injuries

78 Stem-end breakdown

106 Healed injuries

137 Healed injuries

  • Rough skin:


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

25 Skin texture

62 Skin texture

104 Skin texture


  • Detachment of the pericarp:


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

30 Creasing

77 Puffed fruit

30 Creasing

77 Puffed fruit