S. No. | Item | Details |
1 | Parentage | Selection from an indigenous material ofRajasthan (Acc. No. B.5/ 54) |
2 | Method of Breeding/ Selection | Single plant selection from indigenous material of Rajasthan |
3 | Method of Propagation | Through seed |
4 | Mode of pollination | Self pollinated |
5 | Recommended Regions/ Areas | For all India cultivation particularly suitable for arid and semi arid zones of the coun try (Relatively drier areas with moderate rainfall) |
6 | Areas of Adoption | Adapted for the entire country. However, most suitable for Central zone of India comprising states of MP, Maharashtra, Gujarat and part of Uttar Pradesh |
7 | Nature of cultivar | Dual purpose type |
8 | Year of release | 1993 |
9 | Characteristics | Plant erect, 95-110cm tall, bearing dark green foliage and profuse branching (10-14/ plant). Maturity 120-135 days |
10 | Yield performance | Green Fodder Yield : 25-35t/ ha (average 31.0 t/ ha) |
| | Dry Matter Yield : 6.5 t/ ha |
11 | Quality attributes | Average CP = Approx. 17-20% |
| | Average NDF = 42-48% |
| | Average ADF = 37-42% |
| | CPY: 1.15 t/ ha |
| | Cellulose= 23-25; Hemi cellulose=8-12% |
12 | Resistance to diseases and pests | Mod erately resistant to leaf blight und er epiphytotic field conditions and major pests |
13 | Seed yield | 1.5 t/ ha |
14 | Notification number and date | CVRC No. 615 (E) dated 17.08.1993 |