
Kaleigh is a bitter annual (perennial, if maintained) erect herb. It posses antipyretic, antihepatotoxic, antihistamic, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifertility and immunosuppressive properties. The fresh and dried leaves of kalmegh and the juice extracted from the herb are official drugs in pharmacopoeia. Three bitter principles deoxy andro grapholide, andrographolide and neo-andrographolide are isolated from the whole plant and leaves.

Soil and climate

It can be cultivated on wide range of soils from loam to lateritic soils with moderate fertility. It comes up well both in tropical and sub-tropical climate

Seed rate, sowing and transplanting

Its propagation is through seeds. Seed rate is 150 to 200 g/acre.For direct sowing, mix the seed with sand in ratio of 1:5 and sown on ridges or broadcasted. at a spacing of 30 x 15 cm.

Manures and Fertilizers

Its propagation is through seeds. Seed rate is 150 to 200 g/acre. For direct sowing, mix the seed with sand in ratio of 1:5 and sown on ridges or broadcasted. at a spacing of 30 x 15 cm.

Inter cultivation

Two weedings are to be given 30 days and 60 days after planting


Maximum herb biomass can be obtained in 90-100 days beyond which leaves start shedding. The plants are cut at base 10-15 cm above ground for regeneration. The second harvest is taken 60 days after first harvest. Another harvest can also be taken after 60 days of second harvest or the crop can be removed. Since the whole plant contains active principles, entire harvested material is dried in shade and powdered


A well-maintained crop yields 3.5 to 4.0 tons of dried herb per hectare.