


Name and Address of the Laboratory



Registration Number




Certificate Number



Contact Person Name and Details




Name of Food Analyst



Validity Chemical



Validity Biological



Validity Radiological



Validity Other


Chemical Scope of Testing Product / Material of Test


Biological Scope of Testing Product / Material of Test

Other Scope of Testing Product / Material of


Note: These food categories are broad in nature and the detailed scope may be seen from the NABL website

https://nabl-india.org/ under Laboratory Search for an Accredited Laboratory using NABL Certificate (TC) Number of the laboratory.







Accurate Analytic (General Purpose Laboratory), Cochin Nikarthil Road, Thoppumpady, Cochin 682005














Shri. A. Navaneetha Krishnan (Lab Manager)

Mobile: 9249293998,


Fax: 0484-2237848

Email: accurateanalytic@yah oo.co.in












03rd May, 2023





03rd May, 2023






Not Applicable









Meat & Meat Products (Raw, Frozen, Processed, Marinated); Fish & Sea Foods (Raw, Frozen, Processed, Marinated); Herbs, Spices & Condiments (Coriander, Slurry, Curry Powder, Pepper, Chilli, Turmeric, Ginger & Fenugreek); Fruits & Vegetables (Raw, Canned, Semi Processed, Ready to Eat, Pulp, Juices); Processed Food (Rice, Curry, Snacks, Cooked); Food Additives (Salt); Bakery & Confectionery ( Bread, Cake, Biscuits, Jams & Snacks); Milk & Dairy Product; Water

1. Tea & Tea Products; Coffee, Cocoa and By products ; Spices & Condiments (Whole & Ground); Fish & Fishery Products; Cereals, Pulses and By Products ; Oils, Fats and Related Products ; Fruits & Vegetables Product ; Bakery & Confectionery Products; Food Additives Salt (including Edible Common Salt, Refined Iodized Salt, Vacuum Evaporated Iodized Salt, Iodized Salt); Nut and Nut Products ; Metals - Cereals and Food Grains ; Spices and Condiments ; Tea & Coffee Products ; Beverages (Alcoholic, Non Alcoholic ); Water

















Confederation for Ayurvedic Renaissance Keralam Ltd., Koratty KINFRA, Small Industries Park, Nalukettu Road, Koratty – 680 309, Thrissur, Kerala









Dr. Tenson Antony

Tel: 0480-2735737

Fax: 0480-2735837

Mob: 9562724755

E-mail: [email protected] om, [email protected] m








30th July, 2022




30th July, 2022




Not Applicable







Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non- alcoholic); Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Edible Colours & Flavours; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Honey & Honey Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Tea; Water



Bakery & Confectionery Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Honey & Honey Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Drinking Water





Export Inspection Agency, (Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)

27/1767A, Shipyard Quarters Road, Panampilly Nagar(South), Kochi‐682036, Kerala











Dr. Anoop A. Krishnan, Assistant Director (Technical)

E-Mail: eia- [email protected]. in;

Telephone: 0484-

2316945, 2316946,

2316949; Fax: 0484-




Mr. Temburu Maheswara Rao Dr. Kajan Kumar Mr. Anoop Singh Sengar





10th Sept, 2022





10th Sept, 2022





Not Applicable








Bakery & Confectionery Products; Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Edible Oils & Fats; Food Additives & Preservatives; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Milk & Dairy Products; Poultry & Poultry Products; Tea; Others; Residues in Food Products - Antibiotics, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Trace Metal Elements; Fish & Fish Products; Water


Beverages (Alcoholic / Non-Alcoholic) ; Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Eggs & Egg Products; Fish & Sea Foods; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Poultry & Poultry Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Other Specified Food Items; Drinking Water;












FQ Lab and Research Centre Private Limited, Cochin

OS-30 & 31, IIIrd Floor, GCDA

Complex, Marine Drive, Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala-6820310














Mr. O. Raghunath (Dy. Chief Executive)

Tel: 0484- 4026686,

Fax: 0484-2360499

Mobile: 09895054411

Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]


[email protected] m












06th Sept, 2023






06th Sept, 2023






Not Applicable










Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non- alcoholic); Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Edible Oils & Fats; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Tea; Fish & Fish Products; Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water



Bakery & Confectionery Products; Fish & Sea Foods; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Poultry & Poultry Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Other Specified Food Items; Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water












Food Quality Monitoring Laboratory (FQML), Kerala Council for Food Research & Development Office, Perinjottakkal P.O., Konni, Pathanamthitta Distt., Kerala-









Ms. Grace Baby (Chief Analyst)

Mobile: 9747433348

Email: [email protected]



Ms. Grace Baby Mr. R.




23rd July, 2022



23rd July, 2022



Not Applicable




Cereals & Cereal Products; Beverages (Other than Dairy and Fruits & Vegetables based); Fats, Oils and Fat Emulsions; Salt, Spices, Condiments and Related Products; Sweetening agents including Honey;

Fruit & Vegetable Products; Meat and Meat Products; Dairy Products and Analogues; Fish and Fish Products ; Food Additives & Preservatives – Vinegar


Salt, Spices, Condiments and Related Products; Fruit & Vegetable Products; Dairy Products and Analogues; Cereals & Cereal Products; Meat and Meat Products; Fish and Fish Products






Geo-Chem, Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Aroor Aman Commercial Complex, Opp. Mercy School, Aroor-688537.











Ms. Beena Tilak (Laboratory Manager), Tel: 0478-2830800,


Email: [email protected]. in, [email protected] et.in





Mr. Jithin C.R.





31st July, 2023





31st July, 2023





Not Applicable










Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Tea; Fish & Fish Products




Fish & Sea Foods; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Snacks and Instant Mixes; Tea; Other Specified Food Items; Drinking Water





Interfield Laboratories, Kochi 13/1208 – A Interprint House, Karuvelipady, Kochi - 682005, Kerala









Gils P S, PhD.

Tel: 0484-2210915




Email: [email protected], [email protected]




Dr. Gils P.S.

Ms. Anu Antony




20th Oct, 2022




20th Oct, 2022




Not Applicable





Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages ( Non-Alcoholic); Cereals,

Pulses & Cereal Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Edible Oils & Fats; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Honey & Honey Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Others; Residues in Food Products - Pesticides, Trace Metal Elements, Halogenated Hydrocarbons, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Polychlorinated Biphenyl; Fish & Fish Products; Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water.


Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Non- Alcoholic); Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Fish & Sea Foods; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Poultry & Poultry Products; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water









Neogen Food & Animal Security (India) Pvt Ltd, Cochin Uchikkal Lane, Poonithura P.O. Cochin 682038, Kerala











Mr. V. M. Unnikrishnan (Lab Director)

Tel: 0484-2301582,

Mobile: 07558864449

Email: [email protected]


unnikrishnan@neogen india.com





Mr. Dinesh Kumar R Ms. Renu Pillai





01st Dec, 2023





01st Dec, 2023





Not Applicable






Coconut & Coconut Products/Natural Plant Derivatives/ Products;

Edible Oils & Fats; Food Additives & Preservatives; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Jams, Juices, Sauces & Concentrates; Nuts & Nut Products; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Residues in Food Products- Mycotoxins, Pesticides, Trace Metal Elements, Halogenated Hydrocarbons, Others, Drinking Water, Bakery & Confectionery Products, Beverages (Alcoholic / Non-alcoholic), Coffee & Cocoa Products Packaged Drinking Water, Residues in Water - Pesticides, Trace Metal Elements, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Polychlorinated Biphenyl, Prawn & Prawn Products, Fish & Fish

Products, Shrimps

Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non-Alcoholic); Canned & Processed Foods; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Edible Salts; Eggs & Egg Products; Fish & Sea Foods; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Jams, Juices, Sauces & Concentrates; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Poultry & Poultry Products; Tea; Snacks and Instant Mixes; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Drinking Water













CEPCI Laboratory & Research Institute, Kollam

Cashew Bhawan, Mundakkal, Kollam-691001













Ms. Mayarani. C.B

(Asst. Principal, Scientist/quality Manager)

Tel: 0474-2742704,


Fax: 0474-2761003,

Mobile: 09847917077

Email: cepcilab@cashewindia

.org, cb.mayarani@cashewi






Ms. Kavitha Kumari P Ms. Sandhya C Nair






13th April,2023





13th April,2023






Not Applicable









Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non- alcoholic); Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Edible Oils & Fats; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Residues in Food Products - Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Trace Metal Elements; Residues in Water - Pesticides, Trace Metal Elements; Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water




Bakery & Confectionery Products; Canned & Processed Foods; Edible Oils & Fats; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water; Fish & Fish Products









Regional Analytical Laboratory, Kozhikode

Malaparamba, Kozhikode, Kerala 670009







Ms. Manju Devi P (Government Analyst) Tel:04952371101 Mob: 9605067396

Email:govtanalystkoz- [email protected]



As Notified by State Government



7th May, 2022



Not Applicable



Not Applicable






Edible Oils & Fats, Spices & Condiments, Milk & Dairy Products, Tea, Packaged Drinking Water









State Laboratory for Livestock, Marine & Agri Product (SLMAP), Ernakulam

Maradu, Nettor P.O., Ernakulam, Kerala
















Dr. Robin Paul/Dr. A. Mini, Livestock Products Inspecting Officer

Mob: 09447124297/09447


Email: [email protected]. in, [email protected], [email protected]













10th March, 2023






10th March, 2023







Not Applicable














Meat & Meat Products; Bakery & Confectionery Products; Fish & Sea Food





The Marine Products Export Development Authority, Quality Control Laboratory, 5th Floor, MPEDA House, Panampilly Nagar, Kochi, Kerala











Mr. Mahesg G, Deputy

Director E-mail:

[email protected]

/[email protected] n/[email protected] n

Tel No.: +91-484- 2311033/2315199

Mob: 8331911899









28th Feb, 2022





Not Applicable





Not Applicable







Marine/Aqua Culture Food Products:

Antibiotics (Nitrofuran Metabolites), Dyes, Mycotoxins, Tetracyclines, Nitroimidazoles, Anthelmintics, Poly Chlorinated Bi-phenyl’s (PCBs), Organo Chlorine Pesticides, Sulphonamides, Quinolones & Fluroquinolones, Chemical elements (Heavy metals) in Fish and Cephalopods









