Kokum is an important fruit /spice tree crop native to India. It is a crop of humid and tropical region.It can thrive well in extreme rocky to good lateritic soil, withstanding drought to water logging conditions. It bears fruits from April to June.
Land preparation
Field should be ploughed thoroughly and pits of size 60 should be dug out. After weathering, pits should be filled with top dug out soil along with 10kg FYM.
Planting is normally done at the onset of monsoon and due care should be taken so that the graft joint is at least 15 cm above the ground level. After planting, the soil around the roots is firmly pressed and the grafts have to be staked using two strong pegs and a rope. Grafts should be planted at a spacing of 5-6m between plants and rows. (Fig 2) Seedlings can be planted at a spacing of 4 x 4 m spacing.
Nutrient management
A dose of FYM @ 20-25 kg and NPK (19:19:19) should be applied in two split dosesduring May and Oct-Nov.
Water management
Irrigate once in 5-6 days
Weed management
Weeding as and when required to keep field clean
Intercultural operations
Removal of rootstock sprouts, water shoots, criss cross and lower branches should be undertaken periodically. Mulching of grafts and thatching with 2-3 coconut leaves are necessary operations
Insect Pest
Leaf miner, Mealy bugs
Kokum grafts start yielding from fourth to fifth year of planting, whereas, a seedling will start bearing 7-8 years after planting.50-60 kg of fruits/tree can be expected per year.
Post harvest management
Amrut Kokum, Agal, Sol khadi, sola, kokum butter, RTS, rind powder etc.