Minimum requirements

  • In all classes, subject to the special provisions for each class and the tolerances allowed, the citrus fruit must be:
  •  intact
    • Means not having any mutilation or injury spoiling the integrity of the fruit, such as cuts or punctures or other significant physical damage sustained during harvesting or post harvest handling.

Variety Group


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

Illustration No.

34 Torn stem-ends 38 Torn navels

73 Unhealed injuries

34 Torn stem-ends

38 Torn navels

73 Unhealed injuries

108 Unhealed injuries

138 Torn stem-ends

140 Unhealed injuries

  • free of bruising and/or extensive healed over cuts
  • The fruit must be practically free of oleocellosis, bruises and / or extensive healed over cuts.

Variety Group


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

Illustration No.

69 Healed injuries

69 Healed injuries

106 Healed injuries

137 Healed injuries

  • Oleocellosis: or rind-oil spotting. The result of impact or compression damages the skin and causes green or brown discolouration.

Variety Group


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

Illustration No.

39 Oleocellosis

74 Oleocellosis

109 Oleocellosis

(green peel)

110 Oleocellosis

(yellow peel)

142 Oleocellosis (Oroblanco/Sweetie)

143 Oleocellosis (Goliath)


  • sound; produce affected by rotting or deterioration such as to make it unfit for consumption is excluded
  • The fruit must be free from disease or serious deterioration which appreciably affects it sappearance, edibility, or market value. In particular, this excludes produce affected by rotting, even if the signs are very slight but liable to make the produce unfit for consumption upon arrival at its destination.

Variety Group


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

Illustration No.

41 Pitting (nonsuperficial)

 45 Brown rot

 46 Green mould

78 Stem-end breakdown

41 Pitting (nonsuperficial)

45 Brown rot

 46 Green mould

78 Stem-end breakdown

45 Brown rot

46 Green mould 113Aging fruit

115 Canker (Xhantomona)

45 Brown rot

46 Green mould


  • clean, practically free of any visible foreign matter Citrus fruit must be practically free of visible soil, dust, chemical residues or other visible foreign matter.

Variety Group


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

Illustration No.

35 Sooty Mould 36 Presence of Foreign matter

matter 36 Presence of Foreign matter 70 Sooty Mould

Mould 36 Presence of Foreign matter 107 Sooty Mould

36 Presence of Foreign matter

139 Sooty Mould


  • practically free from pests
    • Citrus fruit must be practically free from insects, mites or any other pests. The present of pests can detract from the commercial presentation and acceptance of the fruit

Variety Group


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

Illustration No.

44 Fruit fly damage (Infertile) 81 Scale insects (presence)

44 Fruit fly damage


81 Scale insects

114 Scale insects

148 Scale insects

(Star Ruby)

149 Scale insects


  • free from damage caused by pests affecting the flesh
  • Citrus fruit must be free from damage caused by insects, mites or any other pests that affects the fruit flesh. Pest damage affecting the flesh makes the produce unfit for consumption.

Variety Group


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

Illustration No.

42 Rust mite damage

43 Thrips damage

85 Fruit fly damage (Fertile)

42 Rust mite damage

43 Thrips damage

85 Fruit fly damage (Fertile

116 Black pit

150 Moth damage (Star Ruby)

151 Moth damage (Chandler)

  • free of signs of shrivelling and dehydration
  • Damage caused by evaporation of water from the fruit due to extreme temperature.
  • free of damage caused by low temperature or frost
  • Damage caused by frost prior to harvest, or by chilling due to low temperature during
    storage or transportation.

Variety Group


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

Illustration No.

40 Internal frost damage 80 Chilling injuries

75 External frost damage

76 Internal frost damage

80 Chilling injuries

111 External frost damage

 112 Internal frost damage

144 External frost damage

145 Internal frost damage

  • free of abnormal external moisture
    • This provision applies to excessive moisture, for example free water lying inside the package, but does not apply to condensation on fruit following release from cold storage or
      refrigeration vehicle.
  • free of any foreign smell and/or taste.
    • This refers particularly to citrus fruit which have been stored on badly kept premises or have travelled in a badly maintained vehicle, especially fruit which has acquired strong smell from other produce stored on the same premises or travelling in the same vehicle.
  • It does not refer to any smell emanating from products used in conformity with the regulations for their use to improve keeping properties. For example, care should be taken to use only non-smelling materials as protection in packaging.
  • The development and condition of the citrus fruit must be such as to enable them:
    •  to withstand transport and handling, and
    •  to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
  • The state of ripeness must allow the fruit to withstand transport and handling and to arrive in satisfactory condition at the place of destination.
  • The fruit must have reached an appropriate degree of development and ripeness in accordance with criteria proper to the variety and the area in which they are grown.

Variety Group


Easy Peelers

Lemons & Limes

Grapefruit & Pummelos

Illustration No.

30 Creasing

33 Stalks

79 Shrivelling/Wrinkles

30 Creasing

33 Stalks

77 Puffed fruit

79 Shrivelling/Wrinkles

33 Stalks

33 Stalks