FOS-1: CCS HAU, Hisar developed the variety through selection from local material. (CVRC-Notification no. 786 dated 2nd February 2005).
Senji Safed-76: The variety was developed through hybridization between strain no. 341 × strain no. 174 by PAU, Ludhiana. (CVRC-Notification no. 13 dated 19th December 1978).
YSL-106: The variety is a derivative of FOS-1 × strain no. 8-7 by PAU, Ludhiana. The variety has been recommended for cultivation under irrigated timely sown conditions of rabi season in Punjab. (CVRC-Notification no. 832(E) dated 18th November 1985).
PC-5: The variety has been developed through hybridization between S 67 × Karak by PAU, Ludhiana. The variety has been recommended under irrigated timely sown condition of rabi in Punjab. The variety is of long duration and matures in 172 days. It provides green fodder yield of 23 t/ha. (CVRC-Notification no. 1(E) dated 1st January 1985).
HFWS-55: This variety is developed through selection from local material by CCSHAU, Hisar. The variety is released for all Senji growing areas of Haryana. It is medium to late in maturity, leafy, palatable and white flowered. It provides 45-50 t/ha green fodder and 8-10 dry fodder and seed yield is 12.0-15.0 q/ha.