


Name and Address of the Laboratory



Registration Number




Certificate Number



Contact Person Name and Details




Name of Food Analyst



Validity Chemical



Validity Biological



Validity Radiological



Validity Other


Chemical Scope of Testing Product / Material of Test


Biological Scope of Testing Product / Material of Test

Other Scope of Testing Product / Material of


Note: These food categories are broad in nature and the detailed scope may be seen from the NABL website

https://nabl-india.org/ under Laboratory Search for an Accredited Laboratory using NABL Certificate (TC) Number of the laboratory.







Bureau Veritas India Testing Services Pvt. Ltd., Central Laboratory, Hyderabad


Plot No. 7-2-C/7 & 8, Sanath Nagar Industrial Estate, Sanath Nagar, Hyderabad Urban- 500018, Telangana















Mr.Narasimha Chari


Head Laboratory- Food

E-mail: narasimha.chirala@bu reauveritas.com Mobile: +91-


Ms.P.Deepika Quality Manager Email: deepika.p@bureauveri tas.com

Mobile: +91-







Mr. Narasimhachari Chirala

Mr. Rajasekhar Reddy Challa







07th Dec, 2023







07th Dec, 2023







Not Applicable












Bakery & Confectionery Products; Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Food Additives & Preservatives; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Infant Foods; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Oil Seeds & By- Products; Poultry & Poultry Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Fish & Fish Products; Residues in Food Products- Mycotoxins, Pesticides, Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water





Beverages (Alcoholic / Non-Alcoholic); Coffee & Cocoa Products; Eggs & Egg Products; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Honey & Honey Products; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Fish & Fish Products; Drinking Water






















Intertek India Private Limited (Food Services), Hyderabad Plot no. D-53, IDA, Phase-1,

Jeedimetla, Hyderabad-500055, Telangana

















Mr Ravi Kumar GV Technical Manager Tel: +91 040

42015258, Ext- 444

Mobile: 9505222645

Email: ravikumar.gv@interte k.com


Mr.Gandla Krishnaiah Quality Manager

Tel: +91 040

42015258, Ext- 117

Mobile: 9912463921

Email: gandla.krishnaiah@int ertek.com








Mr. Naresh Macherla







08th March, 2022








08th March, 2022








Not Applicable











Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non- alcoholic); Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Edible Oils & Fats; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Oil Seeds & By-Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Residues in Water- Antibiotics, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Trace Metal Elements, Chlorinated Dioxins & Dibenzofurans, Halogenated Hydrocarbons, Phenols, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Polyhalogenated Biphenyls, Polychlorinated Biphenyl; Residues in Food Products - Antibiotics, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Trace Metal Elements, Chlorinated Dioxins & Dibenzofurans, Halogenated Hydrocarbons, Phenols, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Polyhalogenated Biphenyls, Polychlorinated Biphenyl






Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non-Alcoholic); Canned & Processed Foods; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Fish & Fish Products; Packaged Drinking Water; Packaged Natural Mineral Water.











State Food Laboratory, Hyderabad Nacharam, Manikchand Road., Opp. Raheja Estate, Hyderabad, Telangana- 500076







Dr. K. Shanker (Director)

Mobile: 9849905227

Email: cfstelangana@gmail.co m, diripmtg@gmail.com



As Notified by State Government



03rdSept, 2022



03rdSept, 2022



Not Applicable






Bakery & Confectionery Products; Edible Oils & Fats; Milk & Dairy Products; Starch & Starch Products








National Commodities Management Services Limited- NCML Labs, Hyderabad


Plot No. A-1/2/A, 3rd - 6th Floor, Team Towers, Ida Uppal, Uppal, Medchal

Malkajgiri, Hyderabad-500039, Telangana











Mr. Parvathi Gadde (Sr.Executive - Quality Officer)

Tel:+91-40-66374742 Fax: 040-66374704

Mobile: 9205590434

Email: quality@ncml.com, ananda.k@ncml.com,





Mr. Aditya Padala




25th Aug, 2023




25th Aug, 2023





Not Applicable






Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non-

alcoholic);Canned & Processed Foods; Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Honey & Honey Products; Infant Foods; Jams, Juices, Sauces & Concentrate; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Oil Seeds & By-Products; Poultry & Poultry Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Packaged Drinking Water; Others; Residues in Food Products- Pesticides, Trace Metal Elements, Trace Metal Elements, Halogenated Hydrocarbons; Residues in Water-


Nuts & Nut Products; Canned & Processed Foods; Poultry & Poultry Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Cereals, Coffee & Cocoa Products; Fish & Sea Foods; Pulses & Cereal Products; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Jams, Juices, Sauces & Concentrates; Milk & Dairy Products; Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water; GM Products













Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad Plot No.5, Alexandria Knowledge Park, Genome Valley, Shameerpet, Hyderabad -500078,


















Ms. Anuradha Vadupu, Associate Vice President-QA

Tel: +91-40-67404040

Extn: 3313,

Mobile: +91-


E-mail: anu@vimta.com


Mr. Muni Prasad Poola, Senior Manager, Tel 040-67404040 Extn


Mob No.: 9121009302

muni.poola@vimta.co m








Mr. Jagadeesh Kodali







30th March, 2022








30th March, 2022







30th March, 2022







(Mechani cal) 30th March, 2022





Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non- alcoholic); Canned & Processed Foods; Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Edible Oils & Fats; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Honey & Honey Products; Infant Foods; Jams, Juices, Sauces & Concentrates; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Oil Seeds & By-Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Bakery & Confectionery Products; Residues in Food Products; Edible Colours and Flavours





Coffee & Cocoa Products; Fish & Sea Foods; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Infant Foods; Jams, Juices, Sauces & Concentrates; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Snacks and Instant Mixes; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Water; Edible Colours and Flavours; Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non-Alcoholic); Canned & Processed Foods; Edible Salts





Mechanical testing (Plastics, resins, bottles, containers, flexible pouches)


Trilogy Analytical Laboratory Private Limited, Hyderabad, Plot No. 7 C.F. Area, Phase-II, Cherlapally, Opp. Surana Chowrasta, Hyderabad, Telangana- 500051.







Mr. B.J. Desai, Managing Director, Tel: 040-29803251

Mob: 09848023673

Email: bj.desai@r- biopharm.in






26th March, 2022



26th March, 2022



Not Applicable






Mycotoxins in Milk & Dairy products





