S.No |
Name and Address of the Laboratory |
Registration Number |
NABL Certificate Number |
Contact Person Name and Details |
Name of Food Analyst |
Validity Chemical |
Validity Biological |
Validity Radiological |
Validity Other |
Chemical Scope of Testing Product / Material of Test |
Biological Scope of Testing Product / Material of Test |
Other Scope of Testing Product / Material of Test |
Note: These food categories are broad in nature and the detailed scope may be seen from the NABL website https://nabl-india.org/ under Laboratory Search for an Accredited Laboratory using NABL Certificate (TC) Number of the laboratory. |
1 |
Bureau Veritas India Testing Services Pvt. Ltd., Central Laboratory, Hyderabad
Plot No. 7-2-C/7 & 8, Sanath Nagar Industrial Estate, Sanath Nagar, Hyderabad Urban- 500018, Telangana |
16/S/FSSAI/2014 |
TC-5040 |
Mr.Narasimha Chari Chirala Head Laboratory- Food E-mail: narasimha.chirala@bu reauveritas.com Mobile: +91- 7738333142 Ms.P.Deepika Quality Manager Email: deepika.p@bureauveri tas.com Mobile: +91- 9618032756 |
Mr. Narasimhachari Chirala Mr. Rajasekhar Reddy Challa |
07th Dec, 2023 |
07th Dec, 2023 |
Not Applicable |
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Bakery & Confectionery Products; Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Food Additives & Preservatives; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Infant Foods; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Oil Seeds & By- Products; Poultry & Poultry Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Fish & Fish Products; Residues in Food Products- Mycotoxins, Pesticides, Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water |
Beverages (Alcoholic / Non-Alcoholic); Coffee & Cocoa Products; Eggs & Egg Products; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Honey & Honey Products; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Fish & Fish Products; Drinking Water |
--- |
2 |
Intertek India Private Limited (Food Services), Hyderabad Plot no. D-53, IDA, Phase-1, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad-500055, Telangana |
33/S/FSSAI/2016 |
TC-5160 |
Mr Ravi Kumar GV Technical Manager Tel: +91 040 42015258, Ext- 444 Mobile: 9505222645 Email: ravikumar.gv@interte k.com
Mr.Gandla Krishnaiah Quality Manager Tel: +91 040 42015258, Ext- 117 Mobile: 9912463921 Email: gandla.krishnaiah@int ertek.com |
Mr. Naresh Macherla |
08th March, 2022 |
08th March, 2022 |
Not Applicable |
--- |
Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non- alcoholic); Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Edible Oils & Fats; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Oil Seeds & By-Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Residues in Water- Antibiotics, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Trace Metal Elements, Chlorinated Dioxins & Dibenzofurans, Halogenated Hydrocarbons, Phenols, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Polyhalogenated Biphenyls, Polychlorinated Biphenyl; Residues in Food Products - Antibiotics, Pesticides, Mycotoxins, Trace Metal Elements, Chlorinated Dioxins & Dibenzofurans, Halogenated Hydrocarbons, Phenols, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Polyhalogenated Biphenyls, Polychlorinated Biphenyl |
Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non-Alcoholic); Canned & Processed Foods; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Fish & Fish Products; Packaged Drinking Water; Packaged Natural Mineral Water. |
--- |
3 |
State Food Laboratory, Hyderabad Nacharam, Manikchand Road., Opp. Raheja Estate, Hyderabad, Telangana- 500076 |
61/S/FSSAI/2018 |
TC-5430 |
Dr. K. Shanker (Director) Mobile: 9849905227 Email: cfstelangana@gmail.co m, diripmtg@gmail.com |
As Notified by State Government |
03rdSept, 2022 |
03rdSept, 2022 |
Not Applicable |
--- |
Bakery & Confectionery Products; Edible Oils & Fats; Milk & Dairy Products; Starch & Starch Products |
--- |
--- |
4 |
National Commodities Management Services Limited- NCML Labs, Hyderabad
Plot No. A-1/2/A, 3rd - 6th Floor, Team Towers, Ida Uppal, Uppal, Medchal Malkajgiri, Hyderabad-500039, Telangana |
24/S/FSSAI/2014 |
TC-6192 |
Mr. Parvathi Gadde (Sr.Executive - Quality Officer) Tel:+91-40-66374742 Fax: 040-66374704 Mobile: 9205590434 |
Mr. Aditya Padala |
25th Aug, 2023 |
25th Aug, 2023 |
Not Applicable |
--- |
Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non- alcoholic);Canned & Processed Foods; Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Honey & Honey Products; Infant Foods; Jams, Juices, Sauces & Concentrate; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Oil Seeds & By-Products; Poultry & Poultry Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Packaged Drinking Water; Others; Residues in Food Products- Pesticides, Trace Metal Elements, Trace Metal Elements, Halogenated Hydrocarbons; Residues in Water- Pesticides |
Nuts & Nut Products; Canned & Processed Foods; Poultry & Poultry Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Cereals, Coffee & Cocoa Products; Fish & Sea Foods; Pulses & Cereal Products; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Jams, Juices, Sauces & Concentrates; Milk & Dairy Products; Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water; Packaged Drinking Water; GM Products |
--- |
5 |
Vimta Labs Limited, Hyderabad Plot No.5, Alexandria Knowledge Park, Genome Valley, Shameerpet, Hyderabad -500078, Telangana |
13/S/FSSAI/2014 |
TC-5418 |
Ms. Anuradha Vadupu, Associate Vice President-QA Tel: +91-40-67404040 Extn: 3313, Mobile: +91- 9440602512 E-mail: anu@vimta.com
Mr. Muni Prasad Poola, Senior Manager, Tel 040-67404040 Extn 3111 Mob No.: 9121009302 |
Mr. Jagadeesh Kodali |
30th March, 2022 |
30th March, 2022 |
30th March, 2022 |
(Mechani cal) 30th March, 2022 |
Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non- alcoholic); Canned & Processed Foods; Cereals, Pulses & Cereal Products; Coffee & Cocoa Products; Edible Oils & Fats; Fruit & Fruit Products; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Honey & Honey Products; Infant Foods; Jams, Juices, Sauces & Concentrates; Meat & Meat Products; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Oil Seeds & By-Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Bakery & Confectionery Products; Residues in Food Products; Edible Colours and Flavours |
Coffee & Cocoa Products; Fish & Sea Foods; Herbs, Spices & Condiments; Infant Foods; Jams, Juices, Sauces & Concentrates; Milk & Dairy Products; Nuts & Nut Products; Sugar & Sugar Products; Tea; Snacks and Instant Mixes; Vegetables & Vegetable Products; Water; Edible Colours and Flavours; Bakery & Confectionery Products; Beverages (Alcoholic / Non-Alcoholic); Canned & Processed Foods; Edible Salts |
Mechanical testing (Plastics, resins, bottles, containers, flexible pouches) |
6 |
Trilogy Analytical Laboratory Private Limited, Hyderabad, Plot No. 7 C.F. Area, Phase-II, Cherlapally, Opp. Surana Chowrasta, Hyderabad, Telangana- 500051. |
68/S/FSSAI/2019 |
TC-7083 |
Mr. B.J. Desai, Managing Director, Tel: 040-29803251 Mob: 09848023673 Email: bj.desai@r- biopharm.in |
--- |
26th March, 2022 |
26th March, 2022 |
Not Applicable |
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Mycotoxins in Milk & Dairy products |
N/A |
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