
Whole plant of thulsi is used for medicinal purpose. The plants possess antimicrobial and antiviral properties and purify the air. It is used for extraction of oil and as an antibiotic and astringent. It is effective against cough complaints.

Soil and Climate

It requires well-drained soil and cannot tolerate water logging. Sandy loam soil with good organic matter is considered ideal. The crop has a wide adaptability and can be grown successfully in tropical and sub-tropical climates.


The crop can be propagated through seeds.

Sowing and transplanting

Seeds are sown in nursery beds two months before planting. Apply FYM / compost @ 2 kg/bed and mix well with soil. Seeds are sown at a depth of 1-2 cm and cover with soil or FYM. Since the seeds are very small, mix with sand @ 4 times the quantity of seeds for sowing and the seed rate is 500 g ha-1. The seeds germinate by 8 to 12 days and are ready for transplanting by 6 weeks after planting. Apply FYM or compost @ 10t ha-1before transplanting and mix well with soil. Two months old seedlings are transplanted at a spacing of 30 cm. Irrigate the crop in alternate days up to 2 weeks after planting. After 2 weeks, irrigate the crop @ 2 irrigations / week. Earth up the field at 2 months after planting.


On proper establishment, plant produces off stolons, which root on contact with soil and proliferate by producing several stolon’s. Weeds disturb the normal growth pattern of the crop which need proper weeding. Hence weeding should be done at 15-20 days interval during the initial months.

Harvesting and yield

Harvesting can be done 3 months after planting. Above ground portion is cut at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground level. Harvest the crop in a sunny day to increase the oil content of the plant. Keep the harvested produce in the field for 4-5 hrs to reduce the water content and weight of the produce. On an average, tulsi gives about 10,000 kg of fresh herbage per hectare per year.